
Welcome to my blog. I’m a software developer with more than 15 years of experience in the software industry. I use this space to blog about topics from software development that I find interesting and important.
I am the founder and owner of Leverage51.

Back in 2008 I named this blog “Walk The Walk”. The name was chosen because I am strong believer in doing. When you do, you get feedback. Feedback enables learning. It’s quite pleasing to note that 4 years later, I am still quite pleased with the name 🙂

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Dear Ketil,

    I really like your article “3 Ways to Kill Focus in Agile Projects” and would like to ask permission to publish it on our articles page. Of course I will credit you as the author, provide your biography and a link to your blog.

    This is just the type of quality article our visitors find useful and really appreciate.

    Many thanks.

    Kind regards,

    Duncan Haughey, PMP
    Project Smart

    Skype: Duncan.Haughey
    E-mail: duncan@projectsmart.co.uk
    Websites: http://www.projectsmart.co.ukhttp://www.projectsmart.com
    Twitter: twitter.com/ProjectSmart

    1. Hi Duncan,

      Pleased to hear that you found the article useful. You hereby have my permission to re-puslish it.

  2. Dear Ketil,
    I have read your article “From Scrum to Kanban” at PMHut, and it looks like an excellent piece for our publication’s readership. I would like to ask your permission to republish your article with ExecutiveBrief.
    ExecutiveBrief is an online tech management resource focused on software development, agile, project management and leadership. You can visit our website at http://www.executivebrief.com/
    Please let me know what you think,
    Best regards,
    Yuliya Musakovska
    Editor, ExecutiveBrief

  3. Hi Yuliya,

    Pleased to hear that you found the article useful. You hereby have my permission to re-puslish it.

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